Scott Serafin

Game Designer, Programmer, and Composer

It’s probably better to just show you

A super awesome demo reel just for you! Watch 3 minutes of gameplay from my projects with quick, important information about each of them. The music featured within is composed by me.

That’s cool and all, but I still don’t know who you are.

Of course! Where are my manners? Hi, my name is Scott Serafin! I’ve published work under the alias of IcyPenguin_. I am a game designer, programmer, and musician. I’m the current webmaster for the University of Maryland - Baltimore County (UMBC) Game Developer’s Club and have held that position for the last three years!

I’ve created games (both on my own and in teams) that have gone on to place high in local and even global competitions. I am about to graduate in May with a Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science with a concentration in game development from UMBC. You can find all of my work here on this glorious (maybe not-so-glorious) website.

Get in Touch!

Hi, I might be open to working with you! Or, you can write whatever you want! This email form is your oyster!